Thats the trade off. These resistance factors could make the top speed slower than the calculation.
Adding A Gokart Jackshaft
Gear ratio calculator go kart. For priority technical. Affordable go karts po box 61757 santa barbara ca 93160. Enter the values below to calculate your gear ratio engine number of teeth on clutch sprocket jackshaft in number of teeth on input sprocket jackshaft out number of teeth on output sprocket axle number of teeth on rear axle sprocket final ratio calculate. Go kart gear ratio calculator for jackshaft setup. Fast way to determine gear ratio and speed. Gear ratio calculator for vehicle without jackshaft this calculator determines the top speed of the vehicle with no margin for mechanical rolling or wind resistance.
One of the most common gear ratios for go karts is 11 12 teeth on the clutch sprocket and 60 teeth on the axle sprocket. This converter requires the use of javascript enabled and capable browsers. If theres no modification to the engine and you gear the kart faster taller youll do so at the expense of quickness. Our default is for a slow safe junior kart. Lower gearing equals quickness. To find the gear ratio simply divide the axle teeth by the clutch teeth.
Change sprockets change speed. The gear ratio is 5 and the potential speed is just under 13 miles per hour. Go kart gear ratio tool. Go kart gear ratio speed calculator mph. Gear ratio chart if you put on a set of tires that are 12 bigger in circumference that is the same as taking off 1 tooth from the axle adding one tooth to a 2 cycle should give 200 rpm more adding one tooth to a 4 cycle should give 100 rpm more if you add a tooth and gain less than that the gear is most likely slower. Applicable calculator formulae pi 314159.
However 80 on the axle divided by 16 on the clutch also 5. The results are the circumference of the drive wheeltire combo in inches gear ratio and the potential maximum speed in mph. Make sure the tire is properly inflated and in good condition the diameter is the radius 2 or in this case twice the distance from the ground to the center of the axle. A very common mini bike ratio is 11 12 teeth on the clutch and 72 teeth on the axle sprocket. The purpose of this calculator is to determine the potential speed of a go kart based on certain data. Enter the diameter of the drive power wheel and tire combination.
Karting drive ratio chart arranged by sprocket size use this chart to find your drive ratio for any combination of sprocket teeth. The gear ratios of the clutch and final drive will only make the go kart faster if the engine has the power to move it faster. Note that not all sprocket sizes are available for all chain types. 60 on the axle divided by 12 on the clutch 5. Taller gearing equals speed. Get the final ratio on multi sprocket setup used in jackshafts on go karts and mini bikes.