How to bleed brakes using the one person method. Connect a bleeder bottle to one wheel at a time and open the bleeder screw.
Homemade Vacuum Bleeder And Pressurizer Homemadetools Net
Homemade vacuum brake bleeder. Vacuum bleeding is using a vacuum source at individual bleeder screws so that atmospheric pressure on top of the master cylinder reservoir forces brake fluid through to that lower pressure vacuum. Unplug one of the cylinder ports and plug in the vacuum pump to it. Disconnect the pump from the outlet port and tightly plug the port. Pump the cylinder until you see brake fluid free of bubbles entering the pumps reservoir jar. Pour in 1 to 2 liters of super blue or type 200 ate brake fluid and after sucking old brake fluid out of master cylinder with your wifes best turkey baster refill and screw the cap on. Continue to add new brake fluid to the master cylinder.
As brake fluid bleeds out regularly check the master cylinder to make sure it doesnt bleed dry. Any air leak between the master cylinder vacuum will negate the effectiveness of this system. Open the bleeder valve with a brake bleeder wrench then use the vacuum pump to pump out the old brake fluid. Pump it up to pressurize and start bleeding brakes. One of the vaf posts suggested a homemade pvc pipe pressure bleeder so i came up with whats pictured. Parts needed a vacuum pump old fridge motor a container to hold expelled brake fluid prevents the vacuum pump from sucking up the old brake fluid.
Learn how to make your own one person brake bleeder using a plastic bottle and a clear hose for under 5. Vacuum pumps dont work well when you dont have a good seal around slave cylinder bleeder nipple when loosened. Connect the pressure bleeder to the brake fluid reservoir and pressurize it according to the bleeder manufacturers instructions. Repeat the procedure for the remaining wheels. On mine air would enter the line through the threads so there was not a closed system between vacuum and brake caliper. Drill and tap the end cap at its center for 18 inch pipe thread and install a hardware store 18 inch pipe male to 18 inch barbed brass fitting.
A 3 inch pvc clean out adapter an end cap and the adapter screw in cap. When the fluids flow with no bubbles present bleeding is complete. Dispose of old brake fluid in a plastic reservoir. After youre done loosen main sprayer cap slowly to relieve pressure. Repeat the bleeding procedure in the other port s.